As a child I imagined the ringing in my ears a built-in bat-signal. I’d dash from the house, feet pounding, eyes peeled for misdoings. Adult me isn’t much different. Wonder Woman meets woman of wonder, my mission to interpret the signals lead me to a passion to tell stories and an innovative middle way to reach any goal with just a little help from a lot of friends >>
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Imagine building a life around winxwinxwin

What does a life look like when being who you are, creating others as their best self and contributing to a greater good is the accepted way to operate.
THE 3L3M3N7 OF 3
Cooperate and Rise.
#3W (win x win x win) is an easy to follow code, leading to a world where contributing to others and giving back to the whole is a natural extension of our own success.
Start Today.
I imagine projects and partnerships that celebrate and leverage the power of community, authentic sharing and collaboration. Join me in creating a shift in the paradigm of what it is to be successful. Whether you have an idea in mind or you're simply interested in participating, I'd love to hear from you.

Collaborations are organized via match-matching our assets, gaps, inspirations and causes. Let the match-making begin!
I am the roots of who we’ve been the possibility in our stars—and the center, through which everything flows.
I believe in a world where we see outside the perspective blindness and conditioned responses working against us, and close the gap between the values in our heart and the way we live. Where we strive to know our best selves and to seek it out in others. Not simply giving back—giving who we really are.
It is my journey to bring people together to develop sustainable, compassionate models to live and innovate together. Combining the wellbeing of the whole with the pursuit of our own unique purpose. >>
A united philosophy is faceless, ageless and untouchable.
Cooperation isn't about agreeing on everything—just the keys things, like a base way of operating where we all feel safe, inspired and connected. If you compare philosophies the world over, even those rooted in science and logic, we so often say the same things. Because we are standing in our own perspective—tripped up by conditioning, interpretation, even mistakes in language—we imagine a separation that isn't there. And we spend so much time defending our positions. Pretending one thing when feeling another. Reacting. >>
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